Four Poems in the Saturday Paper

there are “no shooting” signs all over this forest, clearly meant for old sportsmen with duck rifles as they are the only ones who’d read them and think

yep, no worries and follow instruction

these words are here to mitigate a sorry mistake where the hunter thinks you’re a duck        ha

this is funny to me in the way that terrible things are funny when you have seen much, much worse.

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Ruby Gill
'many happy returns' in the Harvard Advocate

“for your birthday I organised a fatal shark attack. the first one in 60 years.
the great white was longer than our bodies put together and the
swimmer is in half. I wish the people hadn’t posted the video. disturbance
of the mind like this makes me forget you are 32. how selfish. we hold so
much blood in our bodies. he was 6'5" so he held even more…”

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Ruby Gill